Enrollment in this course is limited to jurisdictional emergency management personnel in Northern Virginia.
For any questions or additional information, please email alex.weston@vdem.virginia.gov.
Course Prerequisites:
- IS-100
- IS-2200 (Basic EOC Functions)
- IS-700
- IS-800
Recommended (Not required)
- E/L/G 0191
- IS-200
Course Overview:
- Examine the role, design, and function of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and their supportive relationship as a NIMS Command and Coordination component of a Multi-Agency Coordination System.
- Provide training about staffing, organization, information, systems, communications, and equipment needs at the EOC, such activating and deactivating, operations, as well as training and exercising.
- Focus on the role of an EOC as one of the four NIMS Command and Coordination functional groups.
Registration Website:
Course Open to:
Open to Region