First 30 Minutes: Incident Command / Unified Command Training

Event Details

Event Date:
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Chantilly, VA
United States

The Northern Virginia First 30 Minutes: Incident Command / Unified Command training is a multi-disciplinary training program focused on providing command-level skills to frontline law enforcement, fire/EMS, and emergency communications supervisors, as well as those who may act in those positions during an Active Violence Incident (AVI). The training leverages high-threat events to demonstrate best practice approaches for coordinated operations among the response disciplines, focusing specifically on the first 30 minutes of an event. This training may be used by local jurisdictions as a prerequisite for more advanced command competency training.

The intended audience for this training is frontline law enforcement, fire/EMS, and emergency communications supervisors from local Northern Virginia public safety agencies. Regional partners and individuals from outside of Northern Virginia that register will be placed on a waitlist. If space becomes available, NVERS staff will offer seats in the order requests were received. 

For questions about the training, please contact Julie Gall (    

Registration Website:
Course Open to:
Open to NVERS UASI Region
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