2016 Homeland Security Grant Period is Open

Posted Mar 3, 2016

The grant cycle is earlier this year, so you better have done your homework already.

I'm a bit late in doing this blog post, so most of you who care, meaning are eligible, are likely already cranking on those investment justifications (project descriptions to the rest of the world) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) grants.  The due date is April 25th! This is because there wasn't the budget battles of previous years in Congress, the old timeline of April-May-June has been moved up.

With only about two-plus months to get your projects developed and coordinated with your peers, you had better been working the issue before the grants were announced. Especially for those states that have taken a regional approach to these grants.

A billion dollars sounds like a lot of money, but it is two thirds of what it once was, $3.2 Billion in the hay-day of grants following 9/11.

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