Riding the Seat — Engine Company Boss: Operating in the Grey

Event Details

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Chantilly, VA
United States

Riding The Seat is BACK!!!! And to lead out we’re going to hear from two of the region’s most tenured and credible fire officers, Captain Chris Brown (Fairfax County) and Captain Jason Wehmeyer (City of Alexandria), sharing their knowledge and experience on what it takes to be an effective Engine OIC. They are going to bring their collective 68 years of fire service experience and open up on not just what’s in the manuals, but even more critically, those things that aren’t. They are going to talk about the “standard” things that all Engine Bosses should be considering, as well as the absolutely non-standard things that make up a day on the line…those scenarios that are “in the gray”. Because unfortunately, not every incident is made up of black and white decisions, not every day gives you simple solutions, but every day the goal is to get it right. In your role on an Engine Company, the backbone of the fire service, you have to juggle multiple priorities, make decisions of high consequence, in a time compressed environment, with little room for things to go wrong. Come learn from from two highly experienced officers who have done so many things right, but that also understand learning comes from the times where some things go wrong. If you are an assigned Engine OIC, Relief Officer, aspiring officer, or firefighter, you should absolutely take advantage of this training opportunity. SEE YOU THERE!!

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